Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Portfolio Assignment 5

The visualization I found was the 200 Best Video Games of All Time. 

The data set can be found here:

My favorite visualization is this one, except the label is changed from platform to company.
This visualization shows the average score of video games for each platform. This visualization is useful for showing which companies are rated the highest per video game platform. For example, EA Sports has a much higher average score for PS2 compared to the Game Cube and the XBox, thus players would more likely to buy an EA Sports game for the PS2 rather than for the Game Cube or the XBox.

This is a pie chart showing how many games each platform and the percentage of the market each platform has. While the data is slightly outdated, this pie chart function is to show the amount of games per each platform compared to other platforms. For example, the pie chart shows the massive library of PS2 video games compared to the Game Cube library. 

My Dataset to be used for my visualization.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Portfolio 4

Part 1:

I downloaded the provided code and ran the, which took several minutes to finish and I received this output:

Failed to parse feed

Failed to parse feed

The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
Publishing 2.0
we make money not art
Joho the Blog
Neil Gaiman's Journal
Signal vs. Noise
Online Marketing Report
John Battelle's Searchblog
How to Change the World
43 Folders
Daily Kos
Stepcase Lifehack
Power Line
Giga Omni Media, Inc.
Google Operating System
Gawker: Valleywag
ScienceBlogs : Combined Feed
Michelle Malkin
Sifry's Alerts Weblog
The Viral Garden
Micro Persuasion
Cool Hunting
Search Engine Watch Blog
Boing Boing
Download Squad
Captain's Quarters
MAKE Magazine
blog maverick
The Blotter
Crooks and Liars
Bloggers Blog: Blogging the Blogsphere
Schneier on Security
Search Engine Roundtable
Think Progress
Little Green Footballs
SpikedHumor - Today's Videos and Pictures
456 Berea Street
The Full Feed from
Creating Passionate Users
Steve Pavlina's Personal Development Blog - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Joi Ito's Web
A Consuming Experience (full feed)
Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Wired Top Stories
The Official Google Blog
Joel on Software
Scobleizer -- Tech geek blogger
Bloglines | News
Quick Online Tips
Derek Powazek
Jeremy Zawodny's blog
WIL WHEATON dot NET: in exile
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards"
Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills
Google Blogoscoped
Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
Talking Points Memo
ProBlogger Blog Tips
Seth's Blog

I am having trouble installing the Python Imaging Library on my computer, which is because X code was deleted off my computer when I reinstalled Mac OS X on top of the same operating system because my system library became corrupted during a maintenance operation. I plan on wiping my computer over spring break. However, until then I am unable to run the Python Imaging Library, here is what I did:

30:Desktop thejimshaw$ cd Imaging-1.1.6
230:Imaging-1.1.6 thejimshaw$ ls
BUILDME PIL _imaging.c
CHANGES PIL.pth _imagingft.c encode.c
CONTENTS README _imagingmath.c libImaging
Docs Sane _imagingtk.c map.c
Images Scripts decode.c outline.c
MANIFEST Tk display.c path.c
230:Imaging-1.1.6 thejimshaw$ python install
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
copying PIL/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
running build_ext
--- using frameworks at /System/Library/Frameworks
building '_imaging' extension
creating build/temp.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5
creating build/temp.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5/libImaging
Compiling with an SDK that doesn't seem to exist: /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
Please check your Xcode installation
gcc -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp -mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -DHAVE_LIBZ -IlibImaging -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 -c _imaging.c -o build/temp.macosx-10.3-i386-2.5/_imaging.o
unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
230:Imaging-1.1.6 thejimshaw$ 

Part 2
I am having trouble with my data sets and since I am unable to install Python Imaging Library I was unable to complete this section. 

Part 3

I explored Many Eyes (, which is a visualization tool for data sets. I found some data sets which worked well, such as the Movie Genres 1888 to 2012 Count ( and the Words Appearing in Titles of Film Noir Movies on IMDB.

I also discovered some data sets which did not work well, such as Movies By Genre.

I enjoyed how easy the data sets are downloadable, the ability to see the same data in several different ways and how users are able to share their visualizations with other users. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


My group, Dylan Jesse and I, used C# to create our music recommendation front end. We used the Last.FM api with these functions:

Artist Search: getRecommended
Artist: getPage
Album Search: search
Album: getPage
Artist Bio: getUrl
Album Wiki: getUrl

We have our program automatically logging into Last.FM and then allows the user to select the search/recommendation and allows the user to type in what they are searching for. The program then returns all possible matches and the user can click on the results to open a web object with the web page regarding the object they clicked on. Enjoy!